Ever found yourself working hard on a project, feeling confident you’re hitting all the right notes, only to face unexpected disappointment?  I know the feeling all too well – it’s happened more times than I’d like to count!

One common culprit behind this frustration is misaligned objectives.  Often, both parties are working diligently, but they’re not tackling the same problem.  My go-to question, which has been a game-changer for me both professionally and personally, is: What problem are you trying to solve?  This simple question has resolved more challenges than any other in my experience.

That’s why “Objectives” are a cornerstone of the MECO Partnership Framework.

So, what does this mean for your partnerships?  Here are a few key questions to consider:

  • What problem are you trying to solve?  And remember, “revenue” is too vague.  Get specific.
  • What’s the timeline for achieving this goal?  Mismatched timelines can lead to conflicts and inefficiencies, as one party may move faster or slower than the other.
  • Is there executive alignment?  We’ve all seen projects that were exciting but lacked focus and investment.  If senior leaders from both sides aren’t committed to the partnership, it’s a red flag.  A focused and invested leadership team is crucial.
  • Do both sides have skin in the game? Just like in personal relationships, successful partnerships require genuine investment from both parties.  Without it, the partnership is unlikely to succeed.

If this sounds familiar and you’d like help, please reach out. I’d love to exchange ideas and discuss how we can make your partnerships more successful.

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